Pejman Moghadam


C - inet_ntop
C - inet_pton
C - setitimer
C - Date and Time
C - Error Checking
C - Catching Signals
C - getpid
C - TCP/IP checksum function (RFC1071)
C++ - Assignment operator overloading and copy constructor
C - libipq / TCP Raw socket example
C - libipq example
C++ - Convert unsigned character to binary string
Communicating between C and PHP through Unix domain sockets
C - Check for file existence and permissions
C - Find the location of the executable
C - MySQL connection example
C - The N-Queens Problem
C++ -, Problem 7
C++ -, Problem 2
C++ -, Problem 1
C++ - loop and conditions example
C++ - cin example
C++ - Hello world
C - Using Temporary Files
C - Changing environment variables
C - Environment variables access
C - Enumerating all environment variables
C - Get user identity
C - Maximum exit code
C - Using file descriptors 1 and 2 instead stdout and stderr
C - stdout buffer
C - Access command-line arguments using getopt_long
C - Using argc and argv
GCC general options
Compiling C and C++ together and automating with Gnu make
C++ - Simple function example
C++ - Size of data types
C++ - Simple cout usage
Programming quotes
C - long long int data type
C - short int data type (identical to short)
C - int data type (identical to long)
C - char data type
C - Enumeration constant
C - Simple text stream I/O using getchar and putchar
C - Determine network and netmask address using pcap
C - Convert quad-dotted-decimal notation into binary data in network byte order and vice versa
C - Automaticly choose a valid network device using pcap
C++ - Two implementations of a simple counter class
C - Hello world

Pejman Moghadam