Public domain
; This program after asking the name of user
; will say welcome to him/her.
; Filename: welcome.asm
; Compile : nasm -f elf welcome.asm -l welcome.lst
; Link : ld -s -o welcome welcome.o
section .data
nwln db 0xa,0 ;new line
dot db ".",0 ;single dot
prompt db "What is your name ? ",0
message db "Welcome ",0
section .bss
name resb 32 ;user's name
section .text
global _start
;write prompt to stdout
mov eax,prompt
call print_string
;read user's name from stdin
mov eax,name ;buffer
mov ebx,32 ;length
call input_string
;write message to stdout
mov eax,message
call print_string
;write user's name to stdout
mov eax,name
call print_string
;write a dot and newline to stdout
mov eax,dot
call print_string
mov eax,nwln
call print_string
;and exit
mov ebx,0 ;first syscall argument: exit code
mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
;procedure : write a string to stdout
; input parameters :
; eax must point to string
; string must end with 0
; syscall : /usr/include/asm-i386/unistd.h
; #define __NR_write 4
; eax = 4
; man 2 write :
; ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
; ebx=(int fd), ecx=(const void *buf), edx=(size_t count)
print_string :
mov ecx,eax ;second argument: pointer to message
mov edx,0 ;third argument: message length
cal_str_len: ;calculate string length
inc edx ;start from second char
mov ah,[ecx+edx] ;put char in ah
cmp ah,0 ;compare char with 0
jne cal_str_len ;if not zero check next char
;until find zero, then length
;will be in edx
mov ebx,1 ;first argument: file handle (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
;procedure : read a string from stdin
; input parameters :
; eax must point to buffer
; ebx must set to length of buffer
; syscall : /usr/include/asm-i386/unistd.h
; #define __NR_read 3
; eax = 3
; man 2 read :
; ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
; ebx=(int fd), ecx=(void *buf), edx=(size_t count)
input_string :
mov edx,ebx ;third argument: buffer length
mov ecx,eax ;second argument: pointer to buffer
mov ebx,1 ;first argument: file handle (stdin)
mov eax,3 ;system call number (sys_read)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
;finding end of string
;and put zero there
mov edx,0 ;init counter for str chars
inc edx ;start from second char
mov ah,0xa ;we will check 'line feed'
cmp ah,[ecx+edx] ;compare 'line feed' with char
je set_zero ;if they equal so this is end of str
mov ah,0xd ;next check 'carriage return'
cmp ah,[ecx+edx] ;compare 'carriage return' with char
je set_zero ;if they equal so this is end of str
jmp find_crlf ;check next char
;let's set zero instead of
set_zero: ;'carriage return' or 'line feed'
mov bh,0 ;put zero in bh
add ecx,edx ;make ecx point to the end of str
mov [ecx],bh ;put zero at the end
ret ;exit procedure
BY: Pejman Moghadam
TAG: asm, hello-world
DATE: 2008-08-09 01:06:50