Pejman Moghadam

Archive 2011-06

Slackware 13.1 - Recording CD and DVD from the command line
Slackware 13.1 - Installing justniffer (with epkg)
Cisco AS5300 - Password Recovery Procedure
minicom - serial communication program
Package Downloader - Slackeware 12.1
Describe all tables in a MySQL database
Package Downloader - Slackeware 13.1
MySQL cheat sheet
Slackware 13.1 - MySQL Initialize
Tabata counter
Ubuntu 7.10 - apt sources.list for old ubuntu releases
C - Using Temporary Files
C - Changing environment variables
C - Environment variables access
C - Enumerating all environment variables
C - Get user identity
C - Maximum exit code
C - Using file descriptors 1 and 2 instead stdout and stderr
C - stdout buffer

Pejman Moghadam