General Cisco Settings ====================== Public domain ******************************************************************************** ### Hostname configure terminal hostname SW1 end ******************************************************************************** ### Enable secret password configure terminal enable secret 123456 end ******************************************************************************** ### Telnet password configure terminal line vty 0 4 password 123456 login line vty 5 15 password 123456 login end ******************************************************************************** ### Console password configure terminal line console 0 password 123456 login end ******************************************************************************** ### Encrypt all passwords configure terminal service password-encryption end ******************************************************************************** ### Disable console EXEC timeout configure terminal line console 0 exec-timeout 0 0 end ******************************************************************************** ### Disable console logging configure terminal no logging console end ******************************************************************************** ### "%Error opening tftp:// (Timed out)" Error Message Prevention configure terminal no service config end ******************************************************************************** ### Prevent "Translating.... domain server (" Messages after an Invalid Command * First method: Disabling automatic connection with a hostname in command line configure terminal line console 0 transport preferred none line vty 0 4 transport preferred none line vty 5 15 transport preferred none end * Second method: Disabling ip domian lookup configure terminal no ip domain-lookup end ******************************************************************************** ### Keyboard shotcuts * [Ctrl-A] : Moves to the start of a line * [Ctrl-E] : Moves to the end of a line * [Ctrl-D] : Deletes the character at the cursor * [Ctrl-K] : Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the line * [Ctrl-U] : Deletes all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the line * [Ctrl-W] : Deletes the word to the left of the cursor ******************************************************************************** _BY: Pejman Moghadam_ _TAG: error, console_ _DATE: 2012-02-01 17:18:28_